Sexy weight gain stories

The Lost Weekend

Determined Preview

He was determined to make a change, a change for the fatter. After months of watching others enjoy this sinful pleasure of overindulgence and personal growth he was finally doing it.   More ▼

College Athletes Don't Always Remain in Shape

This story of a couple of college athletes almost predestined to live together post-graduation. Features a taller female volleyball player with FFA tendencies, and a male Cross Country athlete who slowly fills space.   More ▼

The Spot

A Usual Day for Dale

A story I wrote when I was 17 back in early 2004 showcasing a day in the life of an FA and his friends' reactions.   More ▼

Nier:automata Wg Story

Disclaimer: art by If contacted by the artist, I will remove it from the cover. 2B X 9S WG story. Probably not very good.   More ▼

Milky’s New Servant

Commissioned story, OC belongs to MarvelousKyoi. A celebrity catgirl is found to be exceedingly fat and immobile, but loves it. You, her new (male) hire, get to meet her for the first time and... well, enjoy each other. Consensually. Art by HDOODLEZ.   More ▼

A Sunday Buffet

A couple goes away for a fattening weekend, and it peaks with an eventful Sunday brunch. (Contains explicit sex)   More ▼

In the Devil's Pocket (a Philly Story) [free Preview]

Leo knows that he's a feeder and an FA, but when he meets a young woman who is into light BDSM and role playing, worlds collide, breaking him out of his comfort zone.   More ▼

Shaped Like a Heart

A recently rediscovered Valentine Day vignette from long ago. Inspired by someone special I once roleplayed with back when I was a slender feeder.   More ▼