Sexy weight gain stories

The Oracle at Dodona

Pyrrho, a young Greek man flees his home in search of prophecy, what he finds more than makes up for the journey   More ▼


Emily Hyde lives a reclusive life on an island in Northern Lake Michigan. Quiet and reserved, she lives alone on her inherited lakefront property. A small nip from an obese fox portends unexplained "absences" and rapid weight gain.   More ▼

Akeno's Food Addiction - Part 2

--Illustration coming soon!-- In part 2, Akeno and Issei keep up with Akeno's new addiction, and all the fattening that comes with it. *Contains sex, immobility, some gay action and lactation. Also commissioned by Frank. Art by FeferoKun!   More ▼

"what You Want"

A submissive feedee's adoring declaration to his dominating mistress: "I surrender my slender muscular body, letting you shape it as you will."   More ▼

Dentist Office

Getting in some fun with the dentist when everyone else is gone.   More ▼

Of Human Bondage

Ache and Release

A woman cannot bear the lie of being skinny any longer.   More ▼

The Curse of Fat

One day John was cursed, and his life was about to be changed for better..... or worse   More ▼

Justice (preview)

Our Fantasy - Naked in Nature Together