Sexy weight gain stories

Nick's Lucky Break: Preview

Nick is a subcontractor working on a mansion job in Beverly Hills. The homeowner is a real piece of work and, in a last-minute bind, forces Nick to stay late to help her out. But it’s more than money that Nick receives from an unlike source.   More ▼

Fortuitously Fed

What happens when you grow so greedy by hand that you just can't help but stuff yourself given the chance? What happens when you want to eat to impress a feeder with expanding expectations?   More ▼


Reaching into the Vault of Horror, a lonely gothic girl going through a hard time stumbles upon a guardian like entity that was thought to be long extinct.   More ▼

Alicia and the Five Deadly Venoms  


The Female Feeder Turned Feedee

Title says it all. This is a short one-off styled story exploring a female feeder turning feedee.   More ▼

Christmas Cookies

Utopian Woes

In the future, most of the world's problems have been solved. Isacc finds himself within much purpose in life until meeting a very unusual woman. Olivia the super-sized bombshell catches his eye like nobody else, sparking a newfound passion in him.   More ▼

Just This Once

Daisy, a female feeder, fattens her boyfriend, and eventually, herself. (one-off)   More ▼


A former cheerleader meets her date at a restaurant. She showed him a photo of herself from when she was MUCH thinner. He'll be in for a surprise, won't he?   More ▼