Hypnosis weight gain stories

Bound and Fattened

The Formula

Working unseen in a corner of a hotel, a huge crowd of attractive ladies fill up the room and lock the doors on Harry. But when he hears what they've gathered to talk about, he realises he needs to get out of there, as soon as possible..   More ▼

Large & Live

After accidentally signing up to become a “live girl” on a mysterious website, Claire finds her figure and appatite under the control of a fat admiring viewerbase.   More ▼

Body Snatcher

Jacob Baileys Last Big Summer

After coming home from college, Jacob had to stay with his father and new step mom. He would have never guessed the big plans his step mom had in store for him   More ▼

A Deal to Remember

Adephagia's Law

Adephagia's law allowed for food companies to create their own fleet of taste-testers. Company neighborhoods with young college failures who must abide by assigned calorie counts and flavor profiles. Vanessa is one of many and she plans to survive.   More ▼

Hyperfolic Adiposia

A case study in phenomenon 612011919, a virus causing people with XX chromosomes find themselves suddenly and rapidly putting on hundreds of pounds. College students Tate, Frankie and Micah find themselves grappling with the aftermath.   More ▼

Your Wish Is My Command Master  

Mani-feast Destiny

Itching for further exploits, capitalists and colonizers turn to a newly discovered island to prey upon its plunders. Their indulgence is not without consequence, however, and they soon find themselves faced with the price of their own hubris.   More ▼